P R Sundar's Online Workshops are 50% live, 50% recorded. After watching each recorded video, he answers doubts and queries in a live Zoom call. It has worked out well, but an offline session is definitely better and more efficient - hence P R Sundar is resuming Offline Sessions after several months. What Will Be Taught: - 6 Trading Strategies (Suitable for 25L+ Capital) - Successfully Backtested & Simulated Trading Strategy Setups with Parameters - Adjustments & Firefighting - Basics & Advanced - Margin & Risk Management
Get a chance to learn from P R Sundar in person about all the nuances and techniques that made him arguably the biggest independent Option Seller in India. Learn the art of making money consistently & more importantly the art of not losing money in adverse situations using the best adjustment and firefighting strategies devised by India's top Options Trader P R Sundar.
Venue: Kings Club, Bengaluru
Timings:-Aug 3&4: 9AM to 5:30PM
Lunch will be provided. Tea/Coffee and Snacks will be provided at the venue in morning and evening.
For other queries, you can mail us at support@mansunconsultancy.com or WhatsApp us on 08122135784/5 or 07358447138
Excellent workshop. Gor to know in depth details of adjustments of strategies. Liked Calendar spread session, cleared all my doubts
It was an experience to be with the legendary trader for 2 days. The man who has popularised Option Writing in particular and Trading in general as a noble profession in the country deserves all kudos and applause .. unfortunately has not received a fair deal from the system. Strange is the ways of the world. Sunder sir - a ‘Zero to Hero ‘ man ,cortesy market , is an inspiration for millions practising option trading as serious business! Looking forward to many more up , close and personal interactions in future!
Simple strategies, Excelent adjustments and good portfolio hedging. Very useful and great experience with PR Sundar
Very Good workshop, with simple methods and adjustments to follow less risky and aiming for realistic returns.